Carrot and Ginger Soup with Gremolata

I’m slightly obsessed with carrots at the moment. I eat them daily in one form or another but lately it feels like I’ve been putting them into everything: stir fry’s, dips, cakes and salads. I’ve even been making out like Bugs Bunny and snacking on them when I get peckish. I think it’s the turning of the weather that has me carrot crazy, as carrots do seem to suit all seasons. Spring is headed in to a full blown summer, but every now and then a cool day still makes an appearance and then I always feel like eating a warm comforting bowl of soup. This is my go-to soup recipe any time I feel like I need a healthy pick me up. It’s simple, delicious and very, very easy to make. I have been making this soup for about 15 years now. It’s gone through a few incarnations and this is my favourite. 

Carrot and Ginger Soup
Carrot and Ginger Soup

The first time I ever made this soup I was at university. I was going through my first ever super healthy eating stage. Up until that point, I don’t think I had much thought about what I put in my mouth as long as it tasted good. But during this period of my life I was becoming highly aware of the chemical effects of certain foods on my mood and energy levels. I was studying for exams and had no time to actually take care of myself, but I needed sustenance I could quickly grab and heat up and this soup was it. I made a huge batch, that unfortunately for me, burnt at the bottom because I had my head stuck in a book instead of watching the stove. What I managed to save was not too bad at all. Not great, but certainly not bad. And it did get me through a stressful week of exams and I’ve had a soft spot for it ever since. I didn’t serve it with gremolata then, but I do now. It’s a nice zesty addition and compliments the ginger.

Yellow Flowers
Carrot and Ginger Soup

This is a great little soup to have in the freezer for a quick healthy meal if you don’t have time to cook during the working week (and lets face it, most of us experience this at least once a week if not more). I make a big batch so that I can put some in the fridge and some in the freezer. For those of you who have tiny tots this is a really great meal to have around. Ävälon, my 17month old, loves this soup and so does her pappa. For a full meal, serve with some hearty sour dough, a side of greens and some cheese. A glass of white wouldn’t go astray either.

Love and light!

Susanna xo